Master Key Week One

Hello Blogging World,

This is officially my very first blog into cyber space.  Although most people think all things computer related just magically float through the air, it is much more complicated than that.  Everything is actually stored on earth, not in a magical cloud.

I digress…

I completed my first version of my DMP today and it was exactly three sentences long.  I hemmed and hawed over how to make it longer, but finally typed it out and hit send.  I have a feeling my guide will send it back straight away asking for more.  It’s the more I seem to have an issue with lately. I am an 1, 2, 3, type person and filling in the blanks is hard.  I am working on it.  Especially since I feel I should write something….like a book.  Which is what I put on my DMP.  It just came out so I went with it.  I wonder if I change my mind in the coming weeks if that will be accepted.

I feel lost and hope it eases as I feel my way through the dark…

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